Page ListView UI Node

Learn to create and manage multiple pages in Blup for a well-organized and efficient application.

Page ListView enables users to select different sections on one screen and navigate to corresponding screens in a ListView format. It provides flexibility to customize decorations according to your preferences.

How to get the Page ListView Node.

To obtain the Page ListView, follow these steps:

1. Select a section similar to the rectangle UI node.

2. Right-click on the rectangle UI node, then choose "Page ListView."

3. On the right-hand side, below the margin settings, locate "Add Pages to PageList."

4. Select it and specify the container representing the page you want to display inside it.

Components of Page ListView node



This input node retrieves the parent node within it.

Is Update

This input node enables the updating of the Page ListView node.

Page Index

Use this node when you have multiple pages within a rectangular section and need to navigate them. Assign indexes to these pages.

Item Count

This node allows you to count the number of items in the Page ListView.

Is Hide

Use this input node to hide the Page ListView. It accepts a Boolean value; true hides the group, while false keeps it visible.

Extra Data

This input node points help to store data. which can be used in further cases.

On Page Scroll

This node provides functionality for the page ListView is scrolled.

List View Properties

Use this node to configure properties for your ListView, such as item count, visibility, and more.

On Properties Update

This node allows you to update the decoration of your ListView by specifying width, spacing, and other attributes.

Edit Group Properties

This checkbox helps to access secondary input node points or Extra properties associated with the Page ListView node.


Use this node to specify the width of your Page ListView Section.


This node allows you to define the height of your Page ListView Section.

Padding Left

This node point specify the padding from the left side of the Page ListView Section.

Padding Right

This node point specify the padding from the right side of the Page ListView Section.

Padding Top

This node point specify the padding from the top side of the Page ListView Section.

Padding Bottom

This node point specify the padding from the bottom side of the Page ListView Section.

Grid Row Count

This node point define the number of rows in the grid of the section.

Item Spacing

This node determine the spacing between items inside the page ListView.

Grid Spacing

This node point specify spacing in a grid manner.

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