Blup Sheet API Node Section

Utilize the Blup Sheet API to interact with data sheets programmatically and enhance your app's data management.

The Blup Sheet API facilitates seamless integration between your backend and user interface (UI) components. By developing your UI and employing logical operations within Blup Logics, you can establish connections with your backend effortlessly.

Components of Blup Sheet APIs Node.


Reload Queries

Refreshes available queries in real-time for selection.

Queries Names

Displays a dropdown of available queries' names.


Allows integration of external JSON data into your application.

On Success

This option allows users to proceed to the next node upon successful getting the data from JSON or Blup backend by queries.

On Failure

If the Data loading fails, users will not be able to progress to the next node until the issue is resolved.

Use run trigger

Users can utilize this checkbox to add a run trigger to the node, enhancing its functionality.


Visualizes data execution in real-time.

How to Use Blup Sheet APIs Node

Step1: Verify the existence of queries within your Blup Backend.

Step2: After checking the queries navigate to the Blup Logics console and open Blup Sheets API.

Step3: Locate and access the Blup Sheets API module.

Step4: Reload queries if necessary, then choose the desired query from the dropdown list. Utilize this query within your application as needed.

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Music to go with.

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